Atmospheric/aerial perspective is demonstrated by the two mountains. The mountain on the left is perceived as more distant because the natural colors of the mountain are muted and more representative of the surrounding atmosphere, i.e. it is more blue, than the mountain in the center which is perceived to be closer. The difference in size between the person and tree in the foreground versus their counterpart in the background enhances the perspective of my image through scale. Following De Vinci's example in Adoration of the Magi as demonstrated on the "Leonardo's Perspective" website, I first lightly traced out the horizon line, orthogonals, and vanishing point before sketching the figures, mountains, road, and railroad. The railroad and road are on the orthogonals helping the viewer's eye to connect points around the drawing to the vanishing point. I left these light lines on the page to verify that I attempted to incorporate these techniques. Only after drawing the trees and people did I realize that they too should have been "tilted" along the orthgonals as that too would have enhanced perception and been more realistic.
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